
Como apropriação-de-entendimento, a interpretação se move em um ser entendedor relativamente a uma já entendida totalidade-de-conjuntação. A apropriação do entendido ainda encoberto desvenda sempre o encoberto sob a condução de um ponto-de-vista que fixa aquilo em relação a que o entendido deve ser interpretado. A interpretação se funda cada vez num ver-prévio que (425) “recorta” no ter-prévio aquilo que fica sujeito a uma determinada interpretação. (SZ:150; STCastilho:425)

N.p.c. Umsicht. (Martineau)

VIDE: HyperHeidegger

VIDE: Vorsicht

visão-prévia (STMSCC)
pré-vision (ETEM)
fore-sight (BTJS)

VIDE Vorhabe

NT: Fore-sight (Vor-sicht), 80, 150-151, 153, 156-158, 232-233, 257, 311, 316. See also Sight (BTJS)

Vorsicht (die): «manera previa de ver». Junto con la manera previa de entender (Vorgriff) y el haber-previo (Vorhabe), la manera previa de ver forma parte de la triple preestructura de la comprensión (Verstehen). En concreto, la manera previa de ver (o previsión) indica la perspectiva bajo la cual se colocan cada vez las cosas, personas, situaciones y problemas que comparecen en el mundo; por ejemplo, una cascada puede verse desde una perspectiva poética como encarnación de la fuerza de la naturaleza, desde una perspectiva industrial como fuente de energia o desde una perspectiva urbanística como lugar propicio para construir un balneario. Véanse las entradas hermeneutische Situation (die) y Verstehen (das). (GA20, pp. 413-417; SZ, p. 150.) (LHDF)

Vorsicht (pre-view, fore-sight) – First mentioned briefly in WS 1923-24 (GA17) in describing the hermeneutic situation of ontologically pre-viewing Dasein (what is had in advance) in terms of its being in order to preconceive the existentials. Often left hyphenated (e.g., in SS 1925 (GA20)), pre-view is thus the last of the presuppositional structures of the hermeneutic situation to be terminologically identified. (KisielBT)

2. In this paragraph Heidegger introduces the important wordsVorhabe’, ‘Vorsicht’, and ‘Vorgriff’. ‘Vorhabe’ is perhaps best translated by some such expression as ‘what we have in advance’ or ‘what we have before us’; but we shall usually find it more convenient to adopt the shorter term ‘fore-having’, occasionally resorting to hendiadys, as in the present sentence, and we shall handle the other terms in the same manner. ‘Vorsicht’ (‘what we see in advance’ or ‘fore-sight’) is the only one of these expressions which occurs in ordinary German usage, and often has the connotation of ‘caution’ or ‘prudence’; Heidegger, however, uses it in a more general sense somewhat more akin to the English ‘foresight’, without the connotation of a shrewd and accurate prediction. ‘Vorgriff’ (‘what we grasp in advance’ or ‘fore-conception’) is related to the verb ‘vorgreifen’ (‘to anticipate’) as well as to the noun “Begriff”. (BTMR)