
VIDE Bezug zur Welt

Triple structures dominate Heidegger’s philosophy. We encounter one such triple structure in the thrownness, projection, and thrown projection of Dasein, which overlaps with the temporal structure of Being as past, future, and present. There is the threefold structure of questioning in the form of das Gefragte, das Erfragte, and das Befragte. In Heidegger’s relatively neglected gem “On the Essence of Ground,” written on the crucial occasion of a Festschrift for Edmund Husserl, there is the pivotal threefold of Weltbezug, Haltung, and Einbruch (worldrelation, attitude, and irruption). Even in the celebrated 1929–30 Freiburg Lecture Course, the subtitle contains the trio of world, finitude, solitude, and though the third of these is never fully developed, it would not be hard to show that these three terms are another variant of the always triplicate temporal structure of Dasein, and correlatively of Being itself. (BraverD3BT)