VIDE: Verlorenheit
VIDE: Verlorenheit
perte (EtreTemps)
lostness (BT)
NT: Lostness, being-lost (Verlorenheit, Verlorensein) in the everyday “world” and the they, 175, 189, 263-265, 268, 271, 273-274, 277, 287, 289, 297, 299-300, 307-308, 312, 348-349, 390, 424; is to lose oneself, 42, 76, 116, 124, 128, 175-177, 179, 195, 253, 265, 289, 312, 344, 348-349, 369, 390. Being-lost (not in above pages): in the world of useful things, 354, 422; in the making present of the “today,” 391. See also Absorption; Everydayness; Falling prey; Inauthenticity; Levelling; Numbed; Publicness (BT)