Supreme Self

Âtmâ permeates all things, which are, as it were, its accidental modifications, and according to Râmânuja’s expression, “constitute in some sort its body (this word being taken here in a purely analogical sense), be they moreover of an intelligent or non-intelligent nature,” that is, according to Western conceptions, “spiritual as well as “material,” for that distinction, implying merely a diversity of conditions in manifestation, makes no sort of difference in respect of the unconditioned and un-manifested Principle. This, in fact, is the “SUPREME SELF ” (the literal render- ing of Paramâtmâ) of all that exists, under whatever mode, and it abides ever “the same” through the indefinite multiplicity of the degrees of Existence, understood in the universal sense, as well as beyond Existence, that is, in principial non-manifestation. Man and His Becoming according to the Vedanta FUNDAMENTAL DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE SELF” AND THE “EGO