innerweltlich, intramondain, façon intramondaine, do-interior-do-mundo, intramundano, within-the-world, de l’intérieur du monde, innerhalb der Welt, interior-do-mundo
La derivación «mundano» apunta entonces terminológicamente a un modo de ser del Dasein, y nunca al de un ente que está-ahí «en» el mundo. A éste lo llamaremos ente del mundo (weltzugehörig = perteneciente al mundo1) o intramundano. (SZ:65; STRivera:87)
Il est écrit : das innerweltlich Seiende (de même que, concernant l’étant disponible, il est presque toujours écrit das innerweltlich Zuhandene). Dans tous les cas où innerweltlich n’est pas décliné et n’est pas attribut, c’est qu’il a une forme adverbiale. Tant F. Vezin que E. Martineau n’ont en général fait aucune distinction entre les deux emplois du mot, alors pourtant qu’il n’est pas aléatoire. C’est pourquoi, malgré la lourdeur que cela peut entraîner parfois, je respecterai le texte et traduirai, là où la forme adverbiale se présente, par « de façon intramondaine » au lieu de « intramondain ». (Auxenfants; ETJA:§14N3)
By contrast, a material thing—a rock or any item for use, like a chair— has no world; its mode of being is devoid of any comportment toward a world. This kind of being is merely extant. What is extant is of course one of those beings toward which we can comport ourselves. This being may be extant within our world, it may belong to what we come across in the world and be an innerworldly being; but it does not have to be that way. When we say about a being that it is innerworldly—like nature, for example—this being still does not have the mode of being which comports itself toward a world; it does not have the mode of being of being-in-the-world. It has the mode of being of extantness, to which additionally the determination of innerworldliness can accrue when a Dasein exists which lets that being be encountered as innerworldly in Dasein’s being-in-the-world. Physical nature can only occur as innerworldly when world, i.e., Dasein, exists. This is not to say that nature cannot be in its own way, without occurring within a world, without the existence of a human Dasein and thus without world. It is only because nature is by itself extant that it can also encounter Dasein within a world. (GA25EM:14)
VIDE: innerweltlich
intramondain (ETEM)
innerworldly (BTJS)
NT: Innerworldly (innerweltlich), 56, 61, 64-66, 72-76 (§ 16), 80, 82-88, 95-98, 100-101, 102-104 (§ 22), 113, 118, 144, 186-187, 189, 201, 203, 209, 211, 344, 351, 366, 380, 394, et passim; terminologically defined, 65 + fn. See also Handiness; Objective presence (BTJS)
3. ‘…innerhalb der Welt…’ Heidegger uses at least three expressions which might be translated as ‘in the world’: ‘innerhalb der Welt’, ‘in der Welt’, and the adjective (or adverb) ‘innerweltlich’. We shall translate these respectively by ‘within the world’, ‘in the world’, and ‘within-the-world’. (BTMR)
Innerweltlich. Intramúndico a menudo es más simple que el estándar “dentro-del-mundo”. (Dreyfus)
NotaH a: El Dasein, justamente, está sujeto-a-mundo (ist welthorig).