Gebrauch, Gebrauchen, usage, utilisation, se servir de, emprego, uso
Πίστεις ἄτεχνοι (pisteis atechnoi): what speaks for a matter, what cannot be brought about on account of us, but rather is there already, which we, therefore, can put to use (Gebrauch) — “witnessing,” (Zeugen) “torturing,” (Foltern) “documenting.” (Urkunde) (Rhet. A 1, 1355 b37) These πίστεις are discussed in Book 1, Chapter 15. There, we find five πίστεις ἄτεχνοι in all: νóμοι (nomoi), μάρτυρες (martyres), βάσανοι (basanoi), συνθῆκαι (synthekai) (“agreements”), ὄρκος (orkos) (Rhet. A 15, 1375 q 24 seq) — in connection with a definite type of discourse, in speaking about what is δίκαιον (dikaion), in juridical proceedings. These πίστεις are ways of speaking for a matter that is at issue (in such a proceeding), which lies before us. (GA18:119; GA18MT:82)
LÉXICO: Gebrauch
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usage (EtreTemps)
utilisation (EtreTemps)